Force a requirement to enter comments on a negative survey



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    Francesca Roig

    I'm closing this request to center all votes in the already existing community post.
    Please put in your vote there to be accounted for.

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    Tricia Hannan

    This feature would be amazing!  We have had some cases were the client accidentally made the wrong selection.  Having to enter a comment for a negative survey would force them to confirm they selected the correct response

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    Melissa Barry

    This would be so helpful. We have a lot of false positives where someone accidentally hit the bad button. Forcing a comment would cut this down.

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    Amber Swortfiguer

    Would LOVE this feature to be added in. We have so often had the issue where someone hits the "bad" by accident or because their company email doesn't allow the "Faces" to come up so they just have to guess which one is a good feedback! 

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