Dollar expiration or reset period.

Officially Answered



  • Official comment
    Francesca Roig

    Hey everyone!

    At this time, expiration for rewards is not something we plan on tackling.

    The bucks are well-deserved recognition and a representation of the employee's merit. They shouldn't lose credits for saving up, their merit for it doesn't expire because they didn't finish a transaction.

    We do encourage managers to have a transparent conversation with those who are accumulating bucks. If we have a better understanding of their reasons, we can come up with a solution that steers away from feeling like a punishment.

    Maybe the available prizes are not that attractive to them?
    Maybe they're saving up to buy one super cool prize at once?
    Maybe they're not aware of how the company budgets for rewards and that if they plan a big purchase, it could be harmful for cashflow...

    I'd love to hear more about it to see how we can better manage these situations, but an expiration date is not being considered for now.

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    Tiffani Ra

    This would also be useful for employees who don't redeem their bucks and end up having hundreds of dollars in unspent bucks. Why wouldn't you spend your bucks though?! :) Most employees spend their bucks but a few don't. It would be useful to have this expiration so bucks don't get out of control in one redemption.

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    Thiago Basso

    Hi Wesley and Tiffani! Thanks for your suggestion.

    Your idea will be forwarded to our technical team and they will analyze it. 

    We don't have a deadline, but you will be notified of any updates.

    Thank you! 

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