What is it
Dashboards are business intelligence (BI) reporting tools that aggregate and display critical metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) on a single screen, enabling you to track business performance in an easy way.
Make good use of your Dashboard in Crewhu, as there are amazing indicators at your disposal!
How to Customize My Dashboard (1:09)
You can customize your Dashboard view, by simply clicking on the button at the top of the page, and adding and removing the widgets, in order to make it look as you like.
How it works
To access your dashboard, on the left bar, click on Dashboards > My Dashboard.
The first thing to keep in mind is that you can use the timeframe field to set the period in which you want to analyze your performance in all indicators, and use the Comparison field to compare your results with the Company, Location, Team, and Location and Team:
You can track your performance based on the following indicators:
Customer Experience Score
The Customer Experience Score is based on the following formula:
- Positive Rating = 10 points
- Neutral Rating = 0 points
- Negative Rating = -10 points
That means that if the client gives you a Positive Rating in the survey, you'll receive 10 points. But if you receive a Negative Rating, you'll lose 10 points.
The blue line of the graph shows your results, compared to the company results (orange line).
The "comparison" line of the graph is based on what you select on the comparison field explained above. In my example, the comparison is related to the company's results.
Customer Experience Ratings
This graph shows the surveys that you have received from clients in the timeframe, separated by rating, compared to the option you've selected above.
Keep in mind that that the naming of the ratings (love, bad and good) might differ according to what you admin account has set.
This graph displays the recognition badges that you have given and received:
- Given: Badges that you have given;
- Peer Rcvd: Badges that you have received from your peers;
- Mngr Rcvd: Badges received from the management;
- Groupies: Similar badges received;
- Unique: Single badges (not duplicated) received;
Badges Received Details
This graph displays which specific badges you have received in the timeframe selected.
Crewhu Score
The Crewhu Score measures your engagement within Crewhu, and is based on the following metrics:
- Badges given = 5 points;
- Peer badges received = 20 points;
- Goals achieved (contests) = 25 points;
- Contests won = 50 points;
- Unique badges received = 20 points;
- Unique users that award a badge = 25 points;
- Manager badges received = 50 points;
This graph measures your performance in contests (goals achieved X missed), compared to the comparison you've selected above._
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