What is it
This template for client communication was created so you can use it to share with your clients your partnership with Crewhu, such as the CSAT Surveys that they will start receiving, in order to make your customers aware of your new service and how to use it.
Below you can copy the email template, edit it as you like, and send it to your clients' emails.
Email Template
Hi _____________,
We are committed to providing the best possible services to you, your team, and your feedback matters to us! We have an easy and quick way for you to express your satisfaction after each request is completed. Check the example below:
Simply click on one of the faces that represent your satisfaction level. You will be taken to the following landing page where you can perform few actions:
1) See the employee (or employees) that worked on your request;
2) Easily change your satisfaction rate if necessary;
3) Click on the radial buttons to tell us what was good or what needs improvement (not mandatory)
4) Write additional feedback to help our team celebrate or to give us tips on how to serve you better in the future (not mandatory)
5) Click on “Submit”
Optional messages:
- Our team gets rewards every time you answer a survey, no matter the rating. The more feedback the better!
- Your satisfaction level is an important metric for us. Please let us know everything.
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