- Why Are Notifications Important
- Default settings by profile
- Types of notifications
- Profile definition per message
- Notification Categories
Why Are Notifications Important
Notifications make actions performed in Crewhu public and transparent. It is important to notify the right people quickly such as when urgent customer feedback comes is received. It is also important to communicate achievements in order to properly recognize great work.
Notifications are a very important part of the celebration of the small wins on a daily basis, keeping everyone engaged in the goals and core values of your company.
Go to General > Notifications in the left sidebar menu to view/edit your current notification settings:
Default settings by profile
At the top of the page, there is the "Default" section to help make the adjustments quicker, setting the same rule by profiles for all templates at once with just one click.
It will still be possible to set rules different than the one set as default for each profile and for each specific message. (Click to learn more)
Types of notification
In the header, there are buttons to easily flag in all sections and for all actions at once, the checkboxes to enable the different types of notification.
1 - Email
Communication sent to the users' email addresses as informed on the "Email" field of their profiles. Crewhu is the email sender and the messages are pre-defined standard templates.
Click here to see examples of the messages.
2 - Push
Alerts displayed on the bell icon next to the "What's Up!" menu:
Profile definition per message
1 - Section: The title indicates the feature that the messages will be related to
2 - Type: Flag to enable if the action should trigger notifications via Email and/or Push. (Click to learn more)
3 - Action: Activity that triggers the notification
4 - Description: Detailed explanation of the action that triggers the notification
5 - Profiles: A list with all currently active profiles. (Click to learn more)
6 - Default setting: Flag to enable the rule defined on the Default section. (Click to learn more)
7 - Rule: When the "Use Default" option is disabled, it is possible to choose a rule from the drop-down menu. The options are:
● Related to all Employees
● Related to both user Location and Team
● Related to both user Location (all Teams)
● Related to both user Team (all Locations)
● Only related specifically to user
● none
Notification Categories
- Badge
- Survey
- Contest
- Referrals
- Engagement Triggers
- Prize
- Cafe
- Badge Given (everybody else) - Notify that a specific badge has been sent to a specific user including badge details with a link to Crewhu to make a comment;
- Badges Given (receiver) - Notify the badge recipient that they received a badge, from whom, and which includes the badge details along with a link to Crewhu to comment;
- Automated Badge Given (received) - Notify the badge recipient that they received an automated badge such as an anniversary and birthday badge;
- Automated Badge Given (everybody else) - Notify that an anniversary or birthday badge has been sent to a specific user;
- CSAT Survey Closed - Notify that a survey has been answered. The advanced settings will allow the admin to configure additional rules that will trigger the notification;
- NPS Survey Thank you - Notify the end-user when they answer an NPS survey;
- CSAT Survey Thank you - Notify the end-user when they answer to a usual survey;
- NPS Survey Closed - Notify that an NPS survey has been answered. The advanced settings will allow the admin to configure additional rules that will trigger the notification;
- Custom Survey Thank you - Notify the end-user when they answer to a Custom Survey;
- Contest Launched - Notify users when a contest is launched with a link to Crewhu to show the Contest details and leaderboard;
- Contest Rewarded - Notify users when a contest is rewarded with a screenshot of the leaderboard to show the winners;
Contest Engagement
- Contest Updated - Notify users of the contest updates every day at 08 am.
If you have Crewhu integrated with MS Teams or Slack, the contest update notification will be pushed to the channel selected for the Cafe Messages option.
Refer to this article to know more about these integrations:
Slack Integration
Microsoft Teams Integration
- Referral Added - Notify users when a new referral is created;
Engagement Triggers
In order to increase the number of badges given by the employees, for a better badge engagement, it is possible to trigger a notification when there is no badge activity within the number of days set.
1 - Action: Activity that triggers the notification
2 - Days: If the employee didn't give a badge in the last number of days informed, a notification will be sent as a reminder
3 - Time to send: What time the notification will be sent, if the lack of badge activity reach the days informed above
- Prize Redeemed (redeemer)- Notify the prize redeemer that Crewhu has recognized their request and that their admin will be in touch shortly;
- Prize Redeemed (managers) - Notify users that a user redeemed a prize and to process their request for quick delivery.
- Prize Failed (managers) - Notify user when a purchase of an automated prize fails;
- Comment Posted: - Notify users when someone posts a message or comments on a message. If a message is marked important by a profile with this permission, all users in the message scope will receive a notification even if cafe notifications are turned off.
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