This guide will show you how to set Autotask as the integration partner and install the customer survey snippet in your ticketing system. It covers the following topics:
In Crewhu:
In Autotask:
- Integrator Username and Password
- Notification template & workflow for Resolved Surveys
- Reply Surveys
Profile level required for these procedures: Admin (What level am I?)
What is new?
With this integration, you will be able to see on the ticket in Autotask the following information:
The latest Crewhu Rating associated with the ticket
The survey feedback added to the internal note section of the ticket
Survey Notes (available on 2019 Pro and Badass Plans) Click on Survey Improvements: Survey Notes and Survey Improvements: Survey Notes writeback to Connectwise or Autotask to learn more about it.
The Autotask integration will also let you choose the employee to credit in a survey based on the time entry. Let’s get started.
Integration Description
Employees, Locations, Teams & Positions
In Crewhu, you can either Upload employee details using a CSV file or add an employee manually going to Settings > Employees > Add:
Required Fields:
Employee ID - the 8 numbers Resource ID found in Autotask on ADMIN > Resources (users):
- First and Last names - Make sure it matches the Resource Name in Autotask. Avoid spaces before and after the names and keep the upper cases, the lower cases, and special characters exactly the same.
- Email - Fill in the employee email.
- Position - Select from the drop-down menu. Positions are a great way to recognize employees. Besides your normal positions, you can have levels based on certification and experience level. For example Technician Level 1, Technician Level 2, etc. You will also be able to have contests based on positions. Go to Setup > Positions to add to and manage your teams.
- Profile - Select from the drop-down menu. Profiles determine permissions in Crewhu and are important for notification purposes. By default, there are 3: Admin, Manager, and Employee.
Refer to this article to know more about how to Add your Crew.
Integrator Username and Password
In Autotask, to create your Integrator Username and Password follow the steps below:
Go to ADMIN > Resources (users) > NEW API User.
- Fill in the following fields:
First Name: Crewhu
Last Name: Bot
Email address: our suggestion is to use the email of the person responsible for the API connection. Autotask can send an email to warn this person about any API issues
Security Level: select API User (system) from the drop-down menu
Integration Vendor: Select Crewhu - Customer Satisfaction from the drop-down menu - Click the buttons to generate:
Key: use as Integrator Username
Password: use as Integrator Password - Click Save & Close
To learn more about the API User (system) permissions, please refer to the article System security levels from Autotask knowledge Base, or reach out to their support team at Datto Support Portal.
CSAT Settings
Go to Settings > CSAT Survey:
Upload an image of your logo: For best results use any size that respects the same aspect ratio of the following minimum size: 342px width x 216px height. Your logo will brand your 1-click CSAT survey.
In the "Integration Partner" field select the desired integration, if it already exists. If it doesn't exist, click on "Create Integration".
If you click on "Create Integration", the “Setup Integration” window will be displayed and you must fill it according to the following instructions.
- Select Autotask (REST) from the drop-down menu;
- Add a name to the integration. Remember that you can add as many credentials as you want, so it is important to add a name that demonstrates exactly what these credentials will be used for used
- Insert your Integrator Username and Password (click here to see how to create it);
- Test your integration and save.
If everything is correct, a success message will be displayed and you will be able to close the "Setup Integration" window and select the new integration created in the list of "Integrations Partners".
The steps below are used by both integrations:
Rating Type: select and customize your rating labels. Click on Custom Survey Faces to learn more about it.
Miscellaneous Settings: Activate the other survey settings that you would like to use.
- Survey Language - select from the drop-down menu.
- Unknown Label - Choose how the system will call surveys that were not associated with any employee. To learn more about it click on Employee marked as UNKNOWN
- IP Restriction - used to restrict an IP from answering surveys. For example, your company network. This is not a good setting to use if you would like to track surveys for internal tickets.
- Show employee picture - Highly recommended! When this setting is activated it will show the employee picture that has been uploaded to the employee record (Setup > Employees) in the survey.
Write Survey Back - Check the box and Crewhu will write back to the Autotask ticket the following information:
- Two most recent survey ratings
- Survey feedback, added Autotask ticket as an internal note
- Survey Notes (available on 2019 Pro and Badass Plans). To learn more about survey notes click on Survey Improvements Notes
Go to ADMIN > Features and Settings > SERVICE DESK (TICKETS) > Ticket Categories and Edit the category:
Create a section in Autotask tickets to see survey ratings:
On the Details tab, click on New Section and name it. In the example below, we called it Crewhu Ratings and put it on position 4.
Under Hidden Fields (section #7 on the example below) locate the fields Rating (UDF) and Previous Rating (UDF) (#7.1 and #7.2) and drag them under the section that you just created.
Repeat the process for each Ticket Category. The image below shows how the survey ratings will be displayed on Autotask tickets:
- CSAT widget: activate it to make your customer satisfaction score public. You can add the widget HTML to your website or email signature.
Best practice:
Activate the CSAT widget 30-60 days after launching the Crewhu platform so you are highlighting a good sample of survey feedback.
- Notifications: Choose when to trigger notifications for each rating: Always, Only with comment, or Never and chose to notify the employee(s) involved with the ticket.
Best Practice:
Start with notifications set for Always for all ratings and then add filters later. Also, allow your employees to receive a notification.
Mark as Reviewed Automatically: options are Always, When no Comments, or Never: Use these settings to automate the closed-loop process for each survey depending on the rating. Below is an example of one of the most used settings:
Turn on and configure your Survey Types: Click on Setup Resolved Reply Signature Surveys for more details. Press view/copy button:
- Copy the source code to clipboard (View/Copy button above) and paste into the notification template in Autotask:
The drop-down presents two options:
Image Snippet - Show 3 faces:
Text only snippet - Text option. The text option will not be blocked by an image filter.
Best practice:
The more popular option is the faces because they are more engaging. You can A/B test. Try the image snippet for one month and then try the text-only snippet for one month and see which option yields the best results.
Notification template & workflow for Resolved Surveys
In your Autotask admin account, go to Admin > Automation tab:
Expand Email Notifications & Surveys option and click Notification Templates to create a notification template:
Click on the “Service Desk” tab and click the “New” button to create a new template.
1. Paste the template copied from another one as per your company style;
2. Switch to the HTML (source code) view;
3. Paste the Crewhu snippet where you would like the customer service faces to be displayed;
4. Switch back to the Design view;
Best practice:
Put the faces in the middle of the email to increase conversion.
5. Apply the necessary adjustments to the layout and click Save & Close.
If you use your template in another language, there is a “trick” to replace the English-spelling placeholders:
※ Paste the English snippet into the template;
※ Save;
※ Reopen it in edit mode and the placeholders are converted automatically, but it will be necessary to save it a second time.
※ Save again.
Go to Automation > Workflow Rules to configure when and to whom the closed ticket emails will be sent:
Select the "General" tab:
1. Name the workflow rule;
2. Flag the "Edited by" box and select "Anyone" from the drop-down;
3. Build the "Status - Equal to - Complete" condition;
4. Select the queues which will receive the email when a ticket is closed;
Select the "Notification" tab:
5. Flag the "Ticket Contact" box;
6. Chose the email address to be the sender;
7. Select from the drop-down the template you created with the Crewhu snippet.
Create a test ticket and you are ready to roll!
The data will show "&" symbols. This is not an error but just part of the test data. Once you see that the data populates you can go live.
Reply Surveys
In your Autotask admin account, go to Admin > Automation tab:
Expand Email Notifications & Surveys option and click Notification Templates:
Choose the Service Desk tab and you will have on screen all of the notification templates used within the Service Desk in Autotask. Find the ones you want to insert the reply surveys into and click the edit button.
Paste the code snippet from Crewhu into the HTML section of the email body. The snippet can be found in CrewHu by logging in and going to Settings > Survey and then scrolling down to the Reply Survey section.
One this is pasted in, return to the Design tab to check the email looks as required.
Repeat for each notification template you require the survey on.
1 comment
Hi Jay, I'm having a problem authenticating my connection. How can I generate the Integration code in Autotask? Thanks!
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