What is it
RepairShopr is a PSA platform and this article has the purpose to explain how to use Crewhu surveys on RepairShopr tickets.
Custom Survey Snippet
First, you have to go to Settings > CSAT, and select the Integration Partner as Syncro, as shown:
If you want to use the survey in the ticket responses, then you need to copy the Reply survey snippet. If you want the survey to be sent only when the ticket is marked as complete/resolved, then you need to copy the Resolve survey snippet. Both snippets are on CSAT Settings.
Refer to this article to know more about the Types of Surveys.
RepairShopr email templates do not accept HTML, so we have to use a Rich Text format.
Adding the snippet to the email template
As soon as you receive the Custom Snippet(s) from our support team, you can paste it into the email template in RepairShopr.
First, it's necessary to create a new Status and a new Ticket Automation in RepairShopr.
It's important to create a new status, so you can pass the tickets to that status when the service is completed, so the automation will run all the tickets in that status, in order to trigger the email with the survey. For that, follow the following steps.
Creating a new Ticket Status
- Click on More > Admin;
- Go to Tickets > Preferences;
- Click on Additional Settings:
- Click +Add Status;
- You can name it something like "Completed Email Client":
Creating a Ticket Automation
- Click on More > Admin;
- Go to Tickets > Ticket Automation;
- Click on +New Ticket Automation;
- We suggest filling in the automation as follows:
You can set up an Automation and then every hour or so they will run on all of your Open Tickets. They don't run "on the hour," but they will run every hour. You can run it manually, in order to test it.
Refer to Repairshopr KB for more details:
Survey Assignment
The tech assigned to the survey will be the ticket assignee collected by the RepairShopr placeholder {{tech_name}}.
The tech name must be added to the users' Crewhu profile as an ID as per users' name on RepairShopr, matching upper and lower cases, and containing space, as shown in the example below:
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