Unlike recurring surveys, One-Off NPS Campaigns are perfect for targeted feedback after specific interactions or events. This allows you to quickly and efficiently gather NPS feedback from your clients on a one-time basis, giving you actionable insights when you need them most. In this article, we'll guide you through setting up, launching, and maximizing the benefits of your One-Off NPS Campaigns, and we'll also explain how you can interpret the data collected from the surveys in our Analytics page.
How to setup your One-Off Campaign
Getting Started
Navigate to Surveys > NPS Campaigns on the left-side menu.
Click "Create Campaign".
Select "One-Off campaign":
Choose a name for your campaign - this can be anything:
The setup is divided into three steps, in order: Review Settings, Add Contacts and Preview and Launch. There are also Advanced Settings you can set at any point.
Review Settings
To the left of the screen, you can see a list of all items in this page, and a green checkmark will appear next to each one as you scroll down the page. This is because every field is already filled out with the standard information from your account, so you can simply review or edit things before moving on to the next step. Essentially, the checkmarks are there so you can keep track of all the sections you have already visited. If you remove any information from a field, the checkmark will disappear.
By default, Crewhu will pick the image you added as a logo to your company. If needed, you can upload a new image here - this will open a popup for you to resize the image as you wish.
Survey Question
This is the question that shows right before the grading scale for the campaign. You can also change the names for the scoring system in this section, i.e "hate it/love it", "dissatisfied/satisfied", "not likely/very likely", depending on the question you choose to ask.
Survey Tags
You can choose from pre-existing tags, or type in this field to create new ones.
Email Sender
This is the email from which the campaign will be sent out. By default, we will pick either your custom domain, or our email If you want to add a new email domain to use in this campaign, you can do so from this screen.
You can also toggle the option so that emails show as though they're being sent from the Account Owner of each company:
This is the headline that goes out as the title of the NPS campaign email.
This is the first line of text in the body of the campaign email. The button "Add Contact" will add the placeholder [contact_name] to this field, and when the campaign is sent out, this will automatically fill in the recipient's name.
Intro Text
This is the bulk of the text that goes in between the greeting and the grading scale for the campaign.
Thank You Page
You can have different templates for promoters, passives and detractors. The option to add a follow-up link to leave a review on Google is for promoters only, and needs to be activated by clicking the "Active" checkbox.
Reminder Templates
This is the headline for the emails we send out to contacts who haven't answered the campaign within a specific timeframe that you will configure in a later step.
The rest of the email will be the same as the first campaign email changed. The frequency with which reminders are sent will be selected in a later step.
Make it so that Account Owners are awarded Crewhu Bucks for each Promoter rating.
Add Contacts
In this step, you will upload a CSV file with the list of all contacts you wish to send this campaign to. For each new one-off campaign, at least one CSV file must be uploaded, and this information is only used for the same particular campaign. You can upload more than one CSV for the same campaign.
The file must ONLY contain the following columns, with these exact headers:
There is also a limit of 2000 contacts per one-off campaign.
You can download the template we have made available on this page:
If the campaign is set to repeat, you can add new contacts to it after it's been launched. The new contacts will receive a campaign email starting in the following cycle.
If there are any errors or missing information in your CSV, a popup will appear telling you exactly what is missing. You can close this popup to start a new upload, or remove the contacts with missing/incorrect information and proceed with the flow:
If there are no errors in the CSV, Crewhu will import all contacts and give you the total amount that was found in the file:
You can also see the full list of contacts in the campaign page now, so you can review the information and delete one or more lines if needed:
You may have noticed our CSV template doesn't have a field for you to inform the companies that your contacts belong to. That is because our Crewhu Smart system automatically detects customer information based on the domain name from the "Email" field. If the customer already exists in your account, Crewhu Smart will assign contacts to it automatically; if not, a new customer will be created based on the domain name.
You will be able to see this customer information on the contacts list for the campaign after it's launched.
Preview and launch
In this step, you will decide on the frequency of your campaign emails, and you'll be able to preview the email templates before launching the campaign.
Sending Frequency
These options define the start day, the cycles of the campaign (if any), the frequency for reminders, and whether or not emails can be sent on weekends. All times shown in this page are according to the timezone set in your Crewhu account.
- Starting On: on this exact date and time, the campaign will start and the first emails will be sent.
- Repeat: this defines the time range for each campaign cycle. For example, a campaign meant to run after each quarter will have this option set to every 3 months.
- Reminder: this has two field. The first one determines the wait between each reminder, while the second one determines how many times the reminder will be sent. For example, if this is set to "every 3 days" for "4" times, it means that on each third day after the campaign started a reminder will be sent to all contacts who haven't answered the survey yet, and this will be done 4 times, or until the contact answers.
- Deploy on weekends: by default, this toggle is off, and campaign emails are not sent on weekends - instead they are sent on the following Monday when applicable. If this is activated, emails will be sent on weekends as well. At the moment, we do not filter out holidays.
Testing the campaign
Clicking here will open a popup where you can send a test email to any address you choose, to see how the campaign message will look like when it goes like. "Contact Name" is the test name that should be filled in the placeholder [contact_name] from the Greetings section.
To the right of the page, you can see the templates for each email in the campaign: the main Email, the Campaign Page (i.e the page that the client is redirected to after selecting a rating, so they can choose to leave tags and/or written feedback), and the Thank You Page.
Advanced Settings
At the top right corner of the page, you can find additional settings for your campaign:
Survey Page
You'll find other subheadings that you can fully customize in this setting.
Here you can change the language of your campaign emails, and choose IPs to restrict from answering your NPS emails if needed.
Reviewed Automatically
With these settings, you can choose whether or not your NPS responses are marked as reviewed automatically within Crewhu, depending on their rating and whether or not they have comments.
Once you click the Launch button, a confirmation popup will appear, with a link to the list of all NPS Campaigns running in your account currently.
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