Creating the Integration
Get your credentials
Before setting up your integration inside Crewhu, you'll need to get your HaloPSA API credentials. To do this, access the menu Configuration > Integrations > HaloPSA API > View Applications.
Click on New in the top right corner. Then, follow these steps to configure the integration.
- Name the Application with an intuitive name.
- Select "Client ID and Secret" as the Authentication Method
- In the Permissions tab, select "all".
- Select the Login Type as "Agent" and select the Main User for Halo.
- Copy the ID and secret and hit Save. The secret is shown only once. Make sure to take note of it. You'll need it later.
Create a new Integration in Crewhu
To create the integration with Halo, access the Integrations Page under General. Then, click on Add and select the HaloPSA on the menu.
Now, fill in the necessary data on the fields. Click on Test Integration and then Save.
- The application URL is the base URL of your company instance.
- The Client ID and Client Secret are your credentials. Refer to this chapter to get them.
Add Your Survey HTML Snippet to HaloPSA
In order to have your surveys assigned to the correct employees, make sure that the Employee ID added to Crewhu matches the information from your PSA. Learn more about this here.
Get your Survey HTML Snippet
Firstly, go to Settings > CSAT and select the Integration Partner as HaloPSA, as shown:
If you want to use the survey in the ticket responses, you need to copy the Reply survey snippet. If you want the survey to be sent only when the ticket is marked as complete/resolved, then you need to copy the Resolve survey snippet. Both snippets are on CSAT Settings.
Refer to this article to learn more about the Types of Surveys.
Insert your Survey HTML Snippet into your Templates
Resolved Surveys
Go to Configurations > Emails > Outgoing Email > Email Templates.
Locate the Ticket Closed Template and click on Edit. After that, select the Source button and Paste the Resolved snippet.
After pasting the snippet, click on the Source button again to preview the Snippet and hit Save.
Reply Surveys
Reply surveys can be pasted on any update template because they allow multiple answers. To ensure the highest conversion rate possible, follow the same steps from the resolved surveys and place the snippet on every template applicable.
Best Practice
Double-check the snippet to make sure you copied the correct snippet.
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