Why Does it Matter
To increase the number of online reviews (i.e Google, Facebook) or any other channel that is important to your company. Use Crewhu to ask happy clients to share their amazing experiences. Improve your online reputation and increase your Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Drive more traffic to your marketing website.
Also, check out our Automated Public Testimonial Feed to help with SEO
How it Works
Create a landing page to ask happy clients to leave an online review after a positive survey rating (Ok and bad ratings will not bring up links to online reviews pages). Customize your message and your links (icons) to increase the conversion rate. Choose the channels from the Crewhu list or add other online review channels.
Go to Settings > CSAT and check the Online Reviews box, as in the image below:
Copy and paste Your online links (at least one of them).
In the example below, Google and G2 were chosen to be displayed.
If you need to include another channel that is not listed, click on Add, upload an image, the name, and the online reviews link. The recommended image size to upload is: width = 100px; height = 100px.
Best Practice
For higher conversion rates on online reviews make sure that the links take the user straight to your reviews page so your clients don't have to take extra steps to find it. Check the article at the end of this page to see the instructions on how to create direct links to your Goole Reviews and Facebook Recommendation pages.
In the Landing page workflow section, you can decide how often a request for review will be sent to your client. Select one of the following options from the drop-down menu:
Always – the user sees a landing page with a request for an online review every time he gives a positive rating;
Do not show more than n positive ratings – set the frequency that the user will get the review request. In the example below, the system will wait for 5 positive ratings until it displays the next online review request:
Do not show more than n days/hours – adjust how many days or hours your client will go without seeing the online review request on your survey landing page. In the example below, the system will wait 5 days between each request for a review after a positive rating:
After choosing your settings, simply click on the Save button at the top of the page. Your reputation management landing page will look like the image below (G2 marked as Featured):
Best Practice:
Customize the landing page to align with your visual identity and to send your own message to your clients :)
- When the client clicks on one of the buttons, the survey feedback will be copied to the clipboard to make it easy for them to paste that feedback on the chosen online review channel;
- The instructions to leave a review will be only displayed if the customer writes a comment.
Google Reviews
In order to use this feature in Google, as a best practice, follow the following steps:
A) Create a link from Google search:
1. On your computer, search for your business on Google. You might have to also type in the company location in order for the reviews to be displayed on the right:
2. On the right side, click on the Write a review button:
3. Copy (Ctrl+C) the URL you see in your address bar:
4. Paste (Ctrl+V) the URL just copied into Google's URL field in Crewhu, on Settings > CSAT:
If these steps don't work for you, please refer to the Google article about how to get your short URL: How to make a link for customers to write reviews on Google
Facebook Recommendations
To create your Facebook Recommendations link, simply replace 'username' in the link below for your company name on Facebook.
As an example, Crewhu's link is
If you don't use this feature on Facebook yet, follow the steps below to allow reviews on your Page:
- Login to the company's profile and go to settings;
- Under general settings, click edit on the reviews section;
- Click on the option "Allow visitors to review this Page";
- Click save changes.
The image below shows where to go to activate reviews on Facebook:
For more information about surveys settings, click on the link below:
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