SMART Contests
Our contests are based on SMART goals which are the foundation of a successful contest program. SMART goals will help you both change behavior and improve results.
In the below steps we will show you how to launch a contest that is SMART:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Timely
How to Create it
Go to Contests and click "Add" (top right corner):
Source - Choose your metric source:
- Crewhu Metric - All default metrics that are tracked within Crewhu;
- Score - Takes more than 1 Crewhu metric and assigns each metric a weight according to a preset formula;
- External Metric - Metrics that originate from outside Crewhu. Refer to this article to know how to create contest automation using external metrics: Contest automation using external metrics
Contest Types:
- One Goal - Everyone who achieves the contest goal will receive the contest reward;
- Winner Takes All - The top score will receive the contest reward as long as the top scorer also achieves the contest goal. If there is a tie both top scores will be rewarded the same amount of Crewhu bucks listed in the reward section.
- Places - You can create up to 5 places. The most popular is a 3 place contest (1st, 2nd, 3rd). Each place is given a reward. If a goal is listed the score must surpass the goal to qualify for the reward. If there is a tie score that places both scores will receive the reward corresponding to the score place.
- Multi-Goal - similar to a One Goal contest the score that reaches a goal wins the corresponding points. However, with Multi Goal contests you can create more than 1 goal to give higher scores and higher rewards.
Determine the goal and the reward(s):
Crewhu contests are goal-based, so a contest participant can only qualify to win if they reach the goal.
Timeframe - You can create a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly contest.
Scope properties:
The contest scope will determine who participates in the contest, who sees the leaderboard, and who gets contest notifications.
- Locations - Determines which location(s) will be included in the contest. Only employees from the location(s) listed will participate;
- Teams - Determines which team(s) will be included in the contest. Only employees from the team(s) listed will participate;
Positions - Determines which position(s) will be included in the contest. Only employees with the position(s) listed will participate.
* In the above screenshot example, employees from all locations on the Service Team who are Team Support Engineers will be included in the contest.
Best Practice:
Add a description so the contest rules are very clear for all participants.
Recurring - Flag it if you want a new contest with the same settings to start after the current contest has finished:
If you do not want the participant to have to qualify to win, you can make the goal zero.
Click save and the contest will automatically start on the contest start date:
Only the crew that is participating in the contest will get a notification when a contest is launched and rewarded, and only they will see the contest on the "My Leaderboards" page.
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